AIP - Autoimmune Protocol

The Autoimmune Protocol requires you to take some very demanding steps nutrition-wise in order to heal. It begins with the belief that your gut is the core of your health: through it you can heal, but, if not taken care of properly, your gut can also be the cause of your health issues. Given that most of us have not been aware of how important our digestion is to our general health, and the Western Diet is rich in unnatural, processed, and packaged foods, we all could benefit from learning about the gut-body-mind connection and taking some steps to improve our balance. Like with everything, try to apply to thinking about your nutrition some simple, common knowledge principles. You are, quite literally, what you eat. Do you want your body to be built from chemicals constructed for the food industry in factories? Do your want body to be made from atoms that come from preservatives, unnatural additives and toxins?

The Autoimmune Protocol has been constructed for a very specific, although increasingly large, group of people: those of us who suffer from autoimmune diseases. Our bodies have literally turned against us, and, confused, fight healthy cells as if they were their enemy. Sounds quite scary, right? Well, it is scary. It is not funny either. Some autoimmune diseases you might have heard of include: type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis and Hashimoto's diseasse (thyroid problems). You probably think now that we should all seek remedies among the achievements of modern medicine. The thing is, that we have all looked for our answers there, and most of us haven't found them. That is why we are left with seeking alternative healing methods. This diet is one of those methods. A method that many people who struggle with autommune diseases report to be extremely succesful.
