Milk and dairy

So what's the deal with milk?

Well, the deal is that you should probably stop eating it right now. Sorry for being frank. Now, please, let me explain why is it that my views are so strong.

Our culture makes it seem fine to drink milk of certain animals, especially cows and goats. Some of us are given milk and dairy from the first months of our lives, and we are comfortably used to thinking that milk is good for us. We are being told by our moms and teachers that it makes us strong, keeps us healthy, keeps us big. The problem is that all of it is a myth. A myth which has grown ever-strong in this last century, due to the billion-dollar industry of milk producers.

Furthermore, the humanity has learnt to make milk into delicious products: hundreds of different yellow cheeses, white cheeses, yogurts, and more. Without them, we cannot imagine our pastas, pizzas, cereals, snacks, chocolate, burgers, and more. Milk and dairy accompany our everyday lives, and are absolutely delicious. The problem is that secretly they also slowly kill us and cause a whole variety of conditions, some of which we have become accustomed to consider normal, like acne or constipation. It goes beyond the commonly known lactose intolerance, which chances are you've got, as about 65% of the world population.

Try to imagine where your milk and cheese come from. You are probably imagining a happy-looking cow standing in a field of grass, right? You think that cows naturally produce a lot of milk, right? It's just their thing. They make milk. Well, they do not. They make milk, like your mother did, for their babies. They do not naturally produce milk when pregnant, but only when their baby is born.They do not naturally produce more milk than their little ones need. In it, they are obviously similar to us, humans, but also to our dogs, cats, chimpanzees, and mice. Why then don't you feel thirsty then when your dog feeds her puppies? Because that's what your culture taught you. It might be time to grow up and make your own decisions, which can positively influence your health in a matter of days, instead of hiding yourself behind the shield of "culture."

Cows are treated in the modern day dairy industry in the most cruel of ways of which descriptions I will spare you (and direct to youtube for videos, as well as PETA website for explanations). The stress hormones that the cows release because of how awful their lives are make their way into our food but if we stick to our own egoistic approach to this world, and focus on our own health, we must first and foremost consider something else. Cows nowadays are fed enormous amounts of antibiotics (to keep them relatively healthy despite the conditions in which they live, and varios infections from which their glands suffer) and hormones (to produce, unnaturally, milk while pregnant as well as produce much more milk than they could naturally produce). All of that is in our food, and, therefore, in our bodies.

Milk and dairy have been linked to osteporosis, acne, high cholesterol, bone loss, weight gain, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, as well as the antibiotic-resistant bacteria (most of the antibiotics are actually given to livestock nowadays). Does almond, soy, hazelnut, oat, and cashew milks, cashew yellow cheese and tofu cream cheese really sound so bad now? We, the people of the 21st century do have a choice. Let's make a good, educated one.
