Simple steps to feeling great - part I. Nutrition

So you want to feel great. Maybe you feel like you're not 100% there, not truly healthy, maybe a little tired. Maybe you realised that your digestive system is not working as it should - you're bloated, constipated, your belly hurts.

Even though you have not been diagnosed with any serious condition or disease, your intuition tells you that something is not right. Well, let me tell you something. Most of us, really 99% of us, do not eat right. In this amazing new world that we live in, we are very, very far from the natural surroundings that the humanity strove in for thousands of years. Our diets have drastically changed over the course of the last few hundreds of years, and the 20th century in particular. Instead of eating mostly plants that grow near us, we now buy our food in supermarkets, packaged in plastic, constructed for us in labs and factories. 

We are what we eat. Nobody can argue with that. The food that goes into our mouths, creates our bodies anew everyday. It influences the way you look, which means not only body fat but also your skin and hair, but most importantly it influences the way you feel. Food affects your brain, your intelligence, and your moods. Food can heal you, and food can destroy your health. So treat it with respect. Love it and cherish it. 

Even though most of us are city-dwellers and we cannot move back to nature and start making from scratch the food that we eat, there are some simple steps that each of us can easily follow to ensure that we are doing out best to feel our best. Here are a few things thad I'd encourage you to consider:
  • preparing your own food at home from whole, unprocessed products
  • eating as much vegetables as possible
  • incorporating into your diet a piece or two of fresh fruit everyday
  • eating beans, legumes and quinoa
  • avoiding dairy and milk products (more about it soon)
  • avoiding all processed foods, things that contain unnatural additives and preservatives
  •  avoiding sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • drinking no more than one cup of coffee a day, and preferably only having one cup every few days or none at all
  • avoiding alcohol or drinking it only occasionally (maybe a glass of red wine with dinner sometime)
  • eliminating processed oils from your diet (get fat from nuts, seeds and avocados instead)
  • cutting down your meat intake, and choosing only organic poultry and grass fed beef, as well as wild caught fish
  • always choosing whole, unprocessed grains (meaning no products made with regular white flour)
Most probably these steps will quickly make you feel great in your body. If you feel like this is not enough for you, I'd encourage you to check for food allergies and sensitivities through eliminating certain foods from your diet for a period of time. Look at my post "Am I sensitive to this food?" to find out more.
