The basics of the Autoimmune Protocol

If you want to heal, you must be strict. No cheat meals and days off. This is not just a fun diet that is meant to help you get leaner. Food is meant from now on to be your medicine. Love your medicine, play with it, and enjoy it. Don't fear it, let it be your friend. But remember that friends are there to make your feel better, and you'd be smart to choose wisely who you invite to be a part of your daily life. 

Foods to include:
  1. Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables. As much as you can - BUT no nightshades (see below), and no algae (f.e. spirulina and chlorella).
  2. Fruits. But not more than two pieces a day. 
  3. Meats: everything you can think of, but organic and grassfed. Poultry in moderation.
  4. Organ meat (f.e. livers), bone broth, gelatin. 
  5. Fish and seafood: preferably wild-caught.
  6. Probiotic foods: fermented vegetables and fruits (f.e. sauerkraut), coconut yogurt & kefir.
  7. Fats: avocado, coconut oil, olives and olive oil.
  8. Spices: himalayan pink salt, basil, turmeric, cinamon, chamomile, ginger, oregano, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, saffron, thyme, garlic, cloves, bay leaves and more. 

Foods to completely avoid:
  1. Nightshade vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, goji berry, paprika, hot peppers and more.
  2. Gluten and foods that cross-react with it: wheat, rye, oats, spelt, barley, buckwheat, teff and more, tapioca, hemp.
  3. Rice, quinoa, corn.
  4. Chocolate.
  5. All milk and dairy. 
  6. Legumes: all beans and lentils. Soy.
  7. All acohol. 
  8. Eggs.
  9. Processed oils.
  10. All nuts and seeds. 
  11. All food additivies, emulsifiers, thickeners etc. 
  12. NSAIDS (aspirin, naproxen sodium, ibuprofen)
  13. All sugars and sweeteners (including regular white and brown sugar, raw sugar, coconut sugar, artificial sweeterns, stevia, honey, corn agave and maple syrup)
  14. Spices: paprika, poppy seed, sesame, nutmeg 
  15. Any other foods that you're allergic to. 

Drink water & herbal tea!
Ocasionally allowed drinks: coffee, black tea, green tea. 

Comprehensive lists to consult:
